We are sorry you have felt the need to complain but by letting us know when you are unhappy gives us the opportunity to put matters right for you and improve our service for all our clients.
No matter how you choose to get in touch with us, a member of staff will listen to your complaint and advise you on the next steps. You can use the form below to submit your feedback to us and a member of our team will get in touch with you as soon as possible.
To help us resolve your complaint, we will need the following from you:
- Your name and address
- A description of your issue
- What you would like us to do to put things right
- A contact telephone number and the best time for us to contact you
You may prefer to use our online form to make your complaint, please give us as much relevant information as you can. We will respond to your complaint within 5 days.
By phone
Many of our clients find the quickest and easiest way to sort things out is to pick up the phone, please call 01908 609072.
Write to us
Please feel free to write us a letter about your issue. Remember to factor the postal service into our response time. Please mark your envelope clearly as a complaint, mark it as private and confidential and address it to:
8b Clarendon Drive
Milton Keynes
What we will do
We will respond to your complaint within 5 working days. When our investigation and complaints process has been completed, if you remain unsatisfied with the way we have handled your complaint you have the option of having your complaint reviewed by our head office within 20 days of our decision.
Please write directly to:
Chief Executive Citizens Advice
3rd Floor North
200 Aldersgate