Citizens Advice Milton Keynes
We’re a local , independent charity, not a government agency.
Since 1972 , we’ve helped 500,000 people in Milton Keynes, to find a way forward with over 2.5m separate problems. All of our work is funded by grants , charitable fundraising , and donations from the general public.
Our staff and volunteers come from across the local community, and the advice they give to the public is free, impartial and confidential.

How to get advice
We’re leaving our premises at Acorn House in CMK at the end of March 2025. Our new offices won’t open until May and we’re in the process of relocating our staff and volunteers. Please don’t come to Acorn House anymore as there is nobody here to deal with your enquiry
If you need our help, click on the options below for other ways to get in touch , and our opening times and availability. You can also download a copy of our latest service guide by clicking here.
This is an exceptionally busy time for Citizens Advice and lots of people need our help. There may be some longer waiting times than usual for some of our services. Our staff and volunteers are working as hard as they can to try and help as many people as possible. Please be patient and do keep trying if lines are busy.
We need your help
We are a Registered Charity, please consider making a donation to us.
Works for Us
Explore a return to work that is right for you.
Our Works for Us service provides free careers advice ,
workshops , and training for anyone living in Milton Keynes.